
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

EMI Reduction using Capacitive Filter

EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)Issues

Standard stipulates that an electronic device functions satisfactorily without interfering with other equipment within its environment. High frequency clock signals are one of the major sources of EMI. One of the ways to ensure EMI compliance is by the addition of a simple RC low-pass filter to the output of high frequency clock signals. The filter slows down the rise and fall time of the signal, thereby attenuating the harmonic contents of the signal.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Implementation of Space Vector Modulation (SVM ) Inveter

SVM is a sophisticated digital control algorithm employed in modern Inverters for the generation of a three phase pure sine AC voltage. SVM Inverters are mostly used to power high performance industrial drives such as three phase AC induction motors. Unlike the conventional sinusoidal PWM, this form of modulation utilizes more available DC supply voltage (15% more voltage output), produces a sine wave with less Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and offers more degree of freedom in the implementation [1].

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Hi-fi Audio Amplifier Circuit Design and implementation

The Need
Designing Audio amplifier from the scratch using discrete components  is interesting, as it allow users to design amplifiers that can satisfy their various requirements. With audio amplifiers, low level sounds from mobile devices around us can be made more louder and lively as well.