
Monday, 15 September 2014

Obstacle Detection System for Vehicle Reverse

Avoiding the Crash

The importance of obstacle detection finds applications in industries, robotics and automobile sector. An Ultrasonic Range Finder was used as the distance sensor for detecting obstacles so that a destructive crash can be avoided by vehicles.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Traffic Light Controller with Pedestrian crossing

Man and movement 

The first Traffic lights were installed outside the Palace of Westminster London on 10th December 1868 to control the increasing number of vehicles there. However, according to some sources, the Traffic lights controller later exploded and injured the policeman operating it [1]. This Traffic Light design was adapted for controlling movement of vehicles and pedestrians at a critical busy junction. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Digital Clock Design using DS1337 RTC

Clock Display / Real Time Clock

Digital clock is increasingly integrated in many modern electronic devices and applications due to the importance of time keeping. In this post, a digital clock was designed such that the time was derived from a Real Time Clock controlled with a microcontroller over I2C interface.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Digital Thermometer Design

Temperature and man!

Daily activities in life require measuring and monitoring of our surrounding environment. A Digital Thermometer capable of measuring and displaying temperature values within the range of 0 to +99 degrees centigrade was designed and simulated.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Dot Matrix Display Design with PIC Micro

Information Dissemination!

Information dissemination has become  very indispensable in many areas of modern life. 
Dot matrix digital display system is a flexible information display system used for high impact visual communication that satisfies the needs of different applications. This post features the design and implementation of a basic Dot matrix information display system.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Implementing Time Delay in PIC Assembly program

Delay in Assembly Language Program 

Delay is indispensable in any functional piece of code developed for a given embedded system. Delay in assembly program is not just easy as in high level programs such as embedded C. Delay in assembly is normally done by executing lines of instructions in a loop to realize a given delay.

Assembly language tutorial for PIC Micros

Why Assembly Language

Assembly programming language is normally developed for a specific machine architecture. This is unlike high level programming language whose programs can be ported to different machine architectures. Though C language is popularly used in most embedded systems design, but Assembly is still preferred by many programmers. Assembly has closer access to hardware resulting to more efficient code and low memory usage when compared to C.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

UART to USB Converter schematic

Making devices computer friendly

Data transfer between electronic devices and a PC (computer) has increased in recent years. Most RS232 serial compliant electronic devices that require connection to a PC are equipped with TTL/CMOS UART interface. Serial data transfer on a PC are increasingly being accomplished using USB technology, in preference to the traditional RS232 serial port which is  almost phasing out. This piece shows how to accomplish serial data transfer between UART devices and a PC via USB port.