
Saturday, 7 December 2013

Digital Clock Design - the old fashioned way

Time Keeping

Time keeping using Clock has been part of life since time immemorial. Any productive and successful society are good time keepers. 

Newbies in electronics designs are often required to design a digital clock that is not based on microcontroller for educational reasons. This blog post features the old fashioned way of digital clock design in which the background electronics consists of BCD counters and logic gates instead of a microcontroller.

The Digital Clock was designed to display time in 12 hour format with AM/PM indicators.

The system block diagram is presented next before delving into the core design, so that the design can be broken down into modules.

Fig 1: System block diagram

The system design

The user control inputs

The user control inputs consist of two push buttons – one for setting the minute’s digits and the other for setting the hours digits. Simple RC Debouncing [1] circuit was used to implement the control inputs. To ensure debounce, the RC time constant (t = RC) was calculated to be 40ms which is much above the recommended 20ms minimum limit.   

Taken R as 10k, makes C to become:
C = 40E-3 / 10k
C = 4uF (3.9uF, 4.7uF or even 10uF can do the job!)

The circuit design for the user control inputs is shown:

Fig 2: User control input circuit with debounce

The Clock input

The system clock input is required to generate block waves with a frequency of 1Hz (1 second). The clock input design adopted for this implementation has already been discussed in a previous blog post (1s clock signal using 555 Timer). Many other clock generator circuits can as well be adopted to provide the clock input!   

The System Controller

The heartbeat of the System Controller is a digital counter (74LS192) which is incremented and reset accordingly to obtain the desired output results. In order to have a better grasp of how the digital counter operates, see “Digital counter with display” blog post.

NAND logic gates (74LS00) were used at different points within the System Control circuit for realising the various logics required for achieving the System. The BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) outputs from the counters were decoded with 7448 IC for display on the 7-segment display. The transistor Q1 (C9013) was used to realise the AM/PM indicator.  The schematic for the System Controller is shown in figure 3. The figure 3 may be required to be downloaded in order to have a better view of it!   

Fig 3: System Controller

The Digital Clock Display

Common-cathode 7-segment displays were used as the Display System for the Digital Clock. See the schematic for the Display system in figure 5. The 7 segment displays were arranged as shown in figure 4 so that the dot points of DIS2 and DIS3 can be used to indicate the ticking of the seconds. Due to the rotation of the DIS3 by 180 degrees, modifications were made to its pin connections as shown in figure 5, so that it can display digits correctly.  DIS5 was crucial for indicating “A” for AM and “P” for PM since the Digital Clock was designed to operate in 12 hour format.

Fig 4: Display arrangement

Fig 5: Schematic of the Display System

For a more comprehensive and a vivid display, I decided to use LED display connected as a common-cathode 7-segment display. For those that may prefer to design the Digital clock Display using LED display, the Clock LED Display PCB shown in figure 6 will provide the needed assistance.

Fig 6: Clock LED Display PCB


See figure 7 for the clock display outputs on an LED display. For a visualization of the real time operation of the digital clock design, watch media 1. 

Fig 7i: Clock time in AM

Fig 7ii: Clock time in PM

Media 1: The Clock in action


The design goal was achieved with the time being displayed in a spectacular form on an LED display. It is worth trying out!

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